Let’s discover a traditional Easter cake from Southern Italy that will brighten up your table

In spite of the proverb ‘Natale con i tuoi, Pasqua con chi vuoi’, Italians tend to celebrate the main religious festivities with their family. This Easter may be smaller but nothing will stop us from preparing a proper Easter lunch. On the contrary, over the last few weeks, Italians have spent much time in the kitchen, turning out to be passionate bakers, pizza makers and pastry chefs, and now are ready for the Easter menu. And what can be better than a homemade cake to share with your loved ones on a special day?

Ciambellone di Pasqua from Southern Italy


All you need for a beautiful ciambellone is sprinkles!

The Easter dove is probably Italy’s best-known Easter cake, but for many it isn’t Easter without a sweet ciambellone. Known as casatiello dolce in Campania, squarcieddo in Basilicata, pizz palumm in Puglia (Italianized as pizzo palumbo, meaning ‘a piece of dove’), cuzzupa in Calabria, this ring-shaped cake belongs to the culinary tradition of Southern Italy. Despite regional variations, the main feature of a ciambellone di Pasqua is its decoration made with icing and sprinkles. Eye-catching and made with simple ingredients, this cake loved by kids and grown-ups is perfect to brighten up your Easter table and for a hearty breakfast, on the following days.

Curious about the recipe? Visit the following pages:

chick and egg

Let’s celebrate Easter!

ScuolaScuola wishes you and your loved ones a wonderful Easter.

Buona Pasqua a tutti!